
Fireworks Shipping

We Ship to You

We Ship to all States
Except for the Following

Shipping /Online Order Faq

We offer a multitude of shipping methods to determine lowest possible shipping costs for you!

The best way to get an accurate shipping quotation is to actually follow the checkout process on our website. When you get to the Checkout Page, you will be presented with all shipping options that are available to you, as well as the costs associated. **YOU MUST ENTER AN ADDRESS IN WHEN CHECKING OUT IN ORDER TO SEE YOUR RATE***

***Please note. When picking up an order from any of our warehouses, you must present a valid state ID that matches the credit card that was used to place the order.***

In order to guarantee your shipment for July 4th all orders must be in by June 21st. Placing an order after June, 21st may still arrive but we will not guarantee that it will. It’s highly recommended to place your orders up to 30 days prior to needing your product. All Consumer Fireworks must be shipped using Ground Freight.
Shipping Rates will be automatically calculated at checkout.
Shipments will take 5-7 business days to arrive after shipment address confirmation with customer.
We will need to verify your address before your order is pulled and shipped. If you are unavailable for shipping address verification at your listed contact #, your order will be on hold until we have communicated with you.
All carriers will call prior to setting up your delivery, so please be accessible at the phone # listed on the order.
Any damaged product must be acknowledged prior to signing the bill of lading.
Due to federal law we do not ship Consumer Fireworks to the following:

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Hawaii
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • Tennessee
  • Vermont

Free pick up is available in Cheyenne Wyoming & Fort Scott Kansas.

Once the fireworks are loaded on the delivery truck or trucks(s), they belong to you. Along with understanding the risk of confiscation or citation is also yours at that time.

Be sure to see your local laws and regulations as they may prohibit your ability to ship, store, posses, or otherwise use fireworks in your area. So be sure to check with your local authorities since we rely on you for this purpose.

With  many variables involved when shipping items of this nature, including the shipping companies themselves, the size of the order, the delivery address, and any unforeseen acts that are out of our control, such as poor weather conditions or accidents., breakdowns, etc

We cannot guarantee a delivery date or time, although it is up to the shipping companies to set these appointments with you so you can pick up your order at a terminal or to be available to receive delivery to a commercial address.

Be sure to order early!

The cost of shipping varies order by order, as it is determined by:

  • The size and weight of your order
  • Your selected shipping method
  • Our location to your delivery address
  • Our flat-rate shipping specials for Local Delivery to a shipping terminal or business are offered only for orders that meet specific requirements because they are within a predetermined weight and size range that allows us to extend shipping cost savings to our customers. These shipping specials also vary depending on your location.

Please note that these shipping offers/specials/deals may change at any time at the discretion of® and you may be asked to pay a higher shipping amount based on the above-listed factors.

We can ship EVERYTHING on our website, There’s no restrictions on the type of fireworks we can ship as we are certified to and carry a license to ship fireworks and our shipping carriers have a permit to transport hazmat items

As always, we do ask that you are familiar with your local regulations as we are only familiar with ours. If you are unsure about your local regulations, please contact your local authorities.

After checking your delivery thoroughly and determining that there are lost or damaged goods, you’ll need to clearly write the number of damaged or lost cartons on your Bill of Lading that accompanies each of our shipments.

You must do this prior to signing anything.

Once you’ve established lost or damaged goods from your order, sign the Bill of landing and obtain a copy from the driver.

Within 3 days of the date of delivery, you must send us a high-quality picture of the notated Bill of landing to

If there are any items that were damaged on your order, you must also send us high-quality pictures and/or videos of each of the damaged goods, as well.

We provide complete tracking information once your order is placed. We provide the tracking ID and link, Order ID/Number and shipping carrier info. 

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